Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bukkokuji Photos

The graveyard

My and the pink lotus in front of the hondo where we do morning and evening chanting, report to the teacher, and hold most ceremonies

Some neighbor's houses and their rice fields

Me and Middle Field, the main garden for Bukkokuji (we have 4 small fields, this is the biggest and the only one protected by an electric fence. The others are subject to random attack by wild pigs and monkeys as evidenced by the ripped up sweet potato stems and the half-eaten cucumbers...). I work here almost every day. Sortof assistant care taker. It's fun.

Another graveyard shot. During the hot season (ie the whole time I've been here), we go around every day and pour the water out of the flower arrangements at every grave, pour in fresh, and put the flowers back. It feels really good to help take care of these ancestors. Graveyards used to really freak me out, but I feel peace here now.


Alcofribas A.Q. said...

Hi,I'm interesting to visit the Bukkokugi Temple could I have the address please?...I'm buddhist practionner from EU...

thank you in the DHARMA...

maurizio from Venice

Roger Wilde said...

Hi there,

Lovely photos! I lived at Bukkokuji for 4 years until 1993. I want to ask you: How is Roshi-sama? It's so hard to get news from there. He was so good to me and I owe him my life, literally.

May you be well

Alcofribas A.Q. said...

...sorry if I asking again the address or how to have contacts with the temple for next visit I'm a buddhist pratictionner from Europe Zen lover also...thank for any kind of info...

Unknown said...

i`m also looking for the contact information...address? email? phone? i`m near kyoto now, on my way there (hopefully). is it necessary to contact them beforehand?


Tau Elohael said...

Strangely, no one left any contact for the Temple... I would like to visit temple too, please if anyone got any contact address let me know! Tnx!

Tomi Lebrero y Jano Seitun said...

Hello My name is Tomas Lebrero. I m from argentina. I m going to Japan on december because I m musician and a zen praticant too. I really would like to go to Bukkokuji. I m going to be in Tokio and I would like to know how to reach Bukkokuji from there. Do you have the adress so that I can find how to go there?
hope your are fine,