Mare struggles to count to ten in my new language...ichi, ni, san, shi, go...uh...roku! nana, hachi, kyu, ju! yippee!
Cycling around town on my day off, the fireman forman yelled something to me three times before I figured out he wanted to talk to me. I stopped and we chatted for a bit. Three other excited firemen came out of the station woodwork, smiling, but a little disapointed that I couldn't speak Japanese. We had a fun chat and they let me take a ton of pictures. Here's one with me trying to look as bad-a#$ as they do! lol
Tea time with Alex, a German guy who WWOOFed at Keiko's farm in the past. Notice the eyes I taped to the tea pot cuz it reminds me of a penguin...
Post shaved head in a borrowed tee-shirt, doing one of the things I do best...My cookies are very popular! These were zuccini, potato, onion, curry cookies with no sugar. A little chewy, but still delicious. (and handy, as zuccini is in season and I work on a farm...)
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