Saturday, June 14, 2008

life and death

There is a lot more killing in farming than I realized...I ripped out a whole row of perfectly good strawberries a coulple days ago, just because there were too many. Millions of ants are now rebuilding their homes because of me...I was mindless and set my hand down for balance while I did something else and they clearly communicated their displeasure to me by biting the crap out of my left wrist. oops. I still have the itchy welts to show for it. and then I tilled under a bunch of perfectly good lettuce...bummer.

On the up side, I shaved my head to 10 mm yesterday and I feel so free! pix soon.


David said...

You mean, even shorter than in the picture in the post below? Maybe it has something to do with not seeing you in person over the last few years, but I'm still not used to the idea if you with short hair.

Anonymous said...

I understand about the killing... I still have a hard time thinning my garden! I know the plants will thrive better if I do it, but I still end up over crowding most of them... D'oh!