Friday, June 6, 2008

First full day

This morning I woke up at about 5am I think, but I couldn:t find my clock, so I stayed in bed until about up, warm shower (step up from Thailand in that regard!), and off to see the local temple. I meditated for about an hour in one of the halls. The sweet scent of the bamboo tatami mats was a nice sensory input to sit with. Trying to remember to stay in Big Mind, Big Heart and just let it all unfold.
The scale of the temples here is huge, yet somehow the altars seem less austentatious. There is just as much gold on the altars, but the statues are much more subdued--generally about 3` high?, bronze and often contained within their own curtained box instead of 8` high, gold plated, front and center.

Perhaps tonight I:ll go soak in my first onsen (hot springs bath)? Something just happened to my left foot and it really hurts...might also be self-reiki time...

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